An overseer shabti for Meretamon, wearing the projecting triangular apron of everyday life, her arms crossed right over left on the chest with hands protruding from the wrappings. Each hand holds a hoe. The round face with big eyes is framed by a black double wig. A short vertical hieroglyphic inscription painted on her kilt, gives the name of the deceased: ‘The prophet of Hathor, the Lady of Medjed, justified’.
Third Intermediate Period , XXI Dynasty, 1069-945 BC
Height 13 cm ( 5 1⁄8 in )
Emil Brugsch, Bulaq Museum 1894; acquired by the Drexel Institute, Philadelphia; acquired by the Minneapolis Institute of Art in 1916; acquired by Blumka Superior Galleries, LA in 1958; acquired from the above by Dr. W. Harer Los Angeles, USA in July 1975
San Bernadino, University Art Gallery California, USA, 1992; Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art, San Bernadino, California, USA 1997-2011
P. E. Newberry: Funerary Statuettes and Model Sarcophagi, Catalogue General des Antiquites Égyptiennes du Musee du Caire, Westminster 1957
J & L Aubert: Statuettes Égyptiennes, Chaouabtis et Oushebtis, Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient Paris 1974
H. Ranke: Die Ägyptischen Personennamen, Glückstadt 1935