Large vessel featuring a slightly ovoid body
Early Dynastic Period , I/II Dynasty, 3150-2700 BC
Banded Alabaster
Height 27 cm ( 10 5⁄8 in )
Former private collection Prof. D.K. Düsseldorf, Germany, acquired in 1996 from Antike Kunst Göttingen, by decent from the above
A. el-Khouli: Egyptian Stone Vessels, Predynastic Period to Dynasty III, Mainz 1978
B.G. Aston: Ancient Egyptian Stone Vessels, Heidelberg 1994
Large vessel featuring a slightly ovoid body, from which the flattened lip stands out sharply. The vase is reassembled from many individual parts which does not affect the wonderful grain of the vessel body in any way. The artist perfectly understood how to bring the structure of the stone to life, so that the reddish stripe in the upper part of the vessel forms a decorative band around the body.
Vases that were part of funerary equipment like this example, first appeared around the third millennium BC.