New Kingdom , XIX-XX Dynasty, Ramesside Period, 1292-1069 BC
Height 52 cm ( 20 1⁄2 in )
Width 28 cm ( 11 in )
Former private collection A. Amstutz Locarno, Switzerland, acquired in 1971 from Dr. H. Müller- Feldmann Bad Neuenahr, by decent from the above
L. Klebs: Die Reliefs und Malereien des Neuen Reiches, Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, C. Winter, Heidelberg 1934
Limestone relief divided into two registers with scenes depicting the process of winemaking. The upper register shows a man carrying sacks of grape pomace to be wrung out, following the grape-treading in large vats. The second man wearing a wig and a long, pleated dress is overseeing the procedure.
In the lower register, two winemakers are depicted completing the wine-ma- king process by pouring the wine into large storage jars like those positioned above the man on the left.