Middle Kingdom official wearing a long, ankle-length kilt with a tab at the high waistband.
Middle Kingdom , XII Dynasty, 1991-1785 BC
Height 21.3 cm ( 8 25⁄64 in )
Former private collection Sir Max Michaelis, acquired in 1900 probably in Egypt; Sotheby’s 23rd June 1989 lot 41; private collection Dr. K. Hamburg, Germany, acquired in 2011 at Galerie Puhze Freiburg, Germany
J. Bourriau: Pharaohs and Mortals: Egyptian Art in the Middle Kingdom, Cambridge University Press 1988
E. Delange: Musée du Louvre, Catalogue des statues égyptiennes du Moyen Empire, Éditions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, Paris 1987, p. 219
The figure depicts a Middle Kingdom official wearing a long, ankle-length kilt with a tab at the high waistband. He stands upright against an uninscribed dorsal pilar on the original integral base, with the left leg slightly advanced. He is bold, with naked chest and arms at his side, open hands placed firmly against the front of his kilt.
This statue is typical of the private sculptures of the Middle Kingdom, when sculptors favoured compact forms in dark stone with minimal detail. The long kilt and placement of the limbs give the statue a durable, block-like appearance.