Weight for loom or measuring scale with old red painted collection number “28.24.2”
New Kingdom , 1550-1070 BC
Diameter 3.1 cm ( 1 1⁄4 in )
Collection of Dr. W. Benson Harer, Los Angeles, California, acquired from Superior Auctions, Los Angeles, California, February 28, 1976; ex. L. Blumka collection, acquired in 1958
Lily Place Collection, Minneapolis Institute of Art, from 1928 to 1958, ref. no. 28.242; Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) from 1986 to 1991; University of Arizona Museum of Art, October 1993 to December 1993
L. Roth: Ancient Egyptian and Greek Looms, Project Gutenberg, EBook 2008
Liverpool 56.21.876
Perforated through the center for suspension. Old red painted collection #: “28.24.2”. This may have functioned as weight for loom or measuring scale.