Middle Kingdom
Hippopotamus tooth
Height 16 cm ( 6 1⁄4 in )
Width 4.9 cm ( 1 7⁄8 in )
Depth 2.9 cm ( 1 1⁄8 in )
Former private collection France; private collection G.B. Göttingen, Germany, acquired prior to 1980
C. Loeben: Aegyptiaca Kesteriana 2 – Bes, Rahden/Westphalen 2020
R. Drenkhan: Elfenbein im Alten Ägypten, Leihgaben aus dem Petrie Museum, Kestner Museum Hannover 1987
The naked figure of the god Aha has a broad head on a stocky body standing with bent knees. A lion’s mane and ears frame the figure’s face. The arms with clenched fists hang close to the body and had probably held metal ser- pents. The phallus is broken off, as is the left leg and the lion’s tail. A peg under the right foot was used to attach the figure to a base.
Gods similar to Bes were revered as long as four thousand years ago. They were depicted with a naked human body, bent legs, and the mane and tail of a lion, to show that they were very powerful. The male god was called Aha, ‘The Fighter’, and held snakes in his hands. The female counterpart of this god held lizards or rabbits; her name is lost.